【简答题】将任务栏右端系统提示区中的时钟去掉,再重新显示出来。 1)将鼠标移到任务栏的空白处,单击右键,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“属性”。 2)在弹出的对话框中,选择“任务栏”选项卡。 3)在 “通知区域” 选项中点击 【 】 按钮,进入自定义设置。 4)在此时窗口中可以设置显示或隐藏一些任务栏上常用的通知和图标。因为时钟为系统图标,所以需要点击 【 】 命令,在弹出的窗口中,将时钟行为设置为 【 】 。 5...
【单选题】Listen to a speech by Anna Brooks and choose the correct answer to each question. 1. Whom is the speech possibly for?
Visitors to the company.
New clients of the company.
New staff of the company.
【单选题】Listen to a speech by Anna Brooks and choose the correct answer to each question. 2.Which of the following is NOT covered in the speech?
A brief introduction to the company.
A detailed introduction to the company structure.
A bright future of the company.
【单选题】某以太网拓扑及交换机当前转发表如下图所示,主机 00-e1-d5-00-23-a1 向主机 00-e1-d5-00-23-c1 发送 1 个数据帧,主机 00-e1-d5-00-23-c1 收到该帧后,向主机 00-e1-d5-00-23-a1 发送 1 个确认帧,交换机对这两个帧的转发端口分别是
【简答题】Listen to the speech about choosing a spouse.
【判断题】When you listen to a speech, it is usually a good idea to try to remember everything the speaker says.