【单选题】Shipment on June 20, 2002, banks will interpret as a stipulation that latest shipment date is( ).
【单选题】某直梁横截面积一定,试问下图所示的四种截面形状中,哪一种抗弯能力最强( )。
【单选题】What is the _________ for this? Is it the 7th or the 8th of November? (due date)
【判断题】钢筋混凝土梁的配筋率μ max 给定了适筋梁与少、超筋梁的界限。
【单选题】某直梁横截面面积一定,试问下图所示的四种截面形状中,那一种抗弯能力最强( )。
【单选题】以下描述RS232的电气特性正确的是( )。
【简答题】Payment must be available in immediately available funds on the due date at the place where the draft or documents are payable,provided such due date is a banking day in that place.If the due date is ...
【单选题】龙山黄酒厂2019年7月销售散装黄酒40吨,取得含增值税价款192100元,计算该厂当月应纳消费税税额为( )元。