【判断题】Total assets always equal total liabilities plus total
owners' equity.
【判断题】Total assets plus total liabilities must equal total owners' equity.
【单选题】Total assets equal the total of liabilities plus equity. This is the ( ) concept.
【单选题】Der Dieb hat der alten Dame eine Uhr .
【判断题】Capital employed = total assets less current liabilities or total equity plus short-term debt.
【单选题】Der Dieb hat der alten Dame eine Uhr .(2014)
【多选题】Among the following items ,( ) influence the return on total assets.
total assets at the beginning of the period
total assets at the end of the period
【判断题】put 方法表示放入一个键值对,如果键已存在则新值替换旧值,如果键不存在则 增加一个键值对。
【单选题】Der Dieb hat der alten Dame eine Uhr . (PGG2014)