【单选题】He must have known what she wanted ,_____ ?
【简答题】青春期是一首苦恼与欣喜交织的旋律。笑靥如花是青春,泪如雨下也是青春,一切自然出现的都是青春独特的魅力。分析下列现象,在良好的现象后面画 ,在不妥的现象后面画 。 (1)出现遗精后更加注意卫生,穿宽松干净的内裤。[ ] (2)遗精是不道德的行为,暗中为此焦虑,却不好意思向有关人士咨询。[ ] (3)女生乳房开始发育,由于羞涩而经常含胸[ ] (4)男女肩膀变宽,肌肉发达,常借...
【单选题】He or she must be able to embrace ambiguity and stick his or her neck out to drve to a conclusion.
He or she must be able to take a risk by sticking to his or her ambiguous decision.
He or she must show risk-taking ability when making decisions with imperfect or incomplete information in order to complete the task.
【单选题】He or she must be able to embrace ambiguity and stick his or her neck out to drive to a conclusion.
He or she must be able to take a risk by sticking to his or her ambiguous decisions.
He or she must show risk-taking ability when making decisions with imperfect or incomplete information in order to complete the task.
He or she must be strong enough to drive for a long time on a cloudy day at the risk of injuring his or her neck.
He or she must be able to accept the ambiguous information and drive in the right direction with their neck sticking out.