【判断题】快速排序算法的空间复杂度平均情况下为O(n),最坏的情况下为 。
【单选题】What should students do in order to deal with a big project? A) They should let their teachers help them. B) They should invite other people to do it together. C) They should break it into small tasks...
They should let their teachers help them.
They should invite other people to do it together.
They should break it into small tasks.
They should try hard to finish it as soon as possible.
【简答题】It is possible that some routine tasks do not need to be carried out.
【单选题】在下列排序算法中,平均情况下空间复杂度为O(n)的是( );最坏情况下空间复杂度为O(n)的是( )。I,希尔排序II,堆排序III,冒泡排序Ⅳ,归并排序V,快速排序Ⅵ,基数排序
【简答题】快速排序算法的空间复杂度平均情况下为( )。