【单选题】The piece of work that is commonly considered to be the beginning of the English literature is ____.
The Legends of Robin Hood
【单选题】( )是一部儒家学派的经典著作,也是一部语录体散文集,它以言简意赅、含蓄隽永的语言,记录了孔子的言论,是研究孔子生平和思想的主要依据。
【单选题】The piece of work that is commonly considered to be the beginning of the English literature is ____.
The legends of Robin Hood
【单选题】4-24.本工程中,屋面与女儿墙的交接处,防水层翻起高度不小于( )mm,一次成型
【判断题】Allusion is a figure of speech that makes indirect references to or represents famous people, places, names, myths or art, within a piece of work.