【简答题】CashPlus gives you extra cash when you need it. We all have times in our lives when we need extra money. Whether it's a wedding, or a dream holiday, or financing a business venture, CashPlus can give ...
【简答题】给出下面的几个句子的正确翻译 Did you go anywhere in winter ? Yes,I went to Shangdong. Show me the dress. I went back to my hometown. I went to see my friend.
【单选题】It's _________ you ______ decide whether you go or not.
【单选题】下列关于我国健康成人安静时血压的错误叙述是( )
【简答题】阅读下面的文言文,完成15~17题。 岁己未,河朔大旱,镇阳帅自言忧农,督下祈雨甚急。厌禳小数①,靡不为之,竞无验。既久,怪诬之说兴,适民家有产白驴者,或指曰:“此旱之由也。是物不死,旱胡得止?”帅闻,以为然。命亟取,将焚之。 驴见梦于府之属某曰:“冤哉焚也!天祸流行,民自罹之,吾何预焉?若水旱之事,岂其所知!祸有存乎天,有因乎人。人者可以自求,而天者可以委之也。救旱之术多矣,盍亦求诸是类乎?求之...