【判断题】我国铁路基本形成了“五纵四横”的格局,其中五纵包括京沪线、京九线、京广线、同蒲-太焦-焦柳线、宝成-成昆线。( )
【简答题】if i am talking with a friend, and i want to tell them i disagree with them. i, the 1, will put my thoughts into words, or 2 them. That is the message i will relay to my friend. i will choose a commun...
【多选题】我国铁路基本形成了“五纵四横”的格局,其中属于四横的是( )。
【判断题】我国铁路基本形成了“五纵四横”的格局,其中四横包括滨州-滨绥线、京包-包兰线、陇海-兰新线和成昆线。( )
【多选题】What shouldn't I do if I want to give gifts to someone in China?
feel bad when I forget to put a card in the gifts
give Chinese people whatever gifts I like
leave price tags and receipts
give gifts regardless of people's relationships with me
give gifts with single hand
【简答题】“隆” 的形旁是( ),声旁是( )。 prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" ?xml:namespace>