【单选题】China adopted the practice of( )in customs clearance following the establishment of a new clearance system for goods subject to inspection and quarantine on 1January 1st 2000.
customs declaration before quarantine inspection
customs declaration and quarantine inspection at the same time
quarantine inspection before customs declaration
【单选题】China adopted the practice of ( ) in customs clearance following the establishment of a new clearance system for goods subject to inspection and quarantine on 1 January 1st 2000.
customs declaration before quarantine inspection
customs declaration and quarantine inspection at the same time
quarantine inspection before customs declaration
【简答题】我们应该关心此事,因为造成缺水的很多因素, 如人口增长,都在扩大,变得更复杂和更不可控。
【单选题】甲和乙共同实施拐卖妇女、儿童罪,均被判处死刑立即执行。最高人民法院复核后认为全案判决认定事实正确,甲系主犯应当判处死刑立即执行,但对乙可不立即执行。关于最高人民法院对此案的处理,下列哪一选项是正确的?( )(2014年司考卷二第39题)
【单选题】十九大报告指出,坚决纠正各种不正之风,以零容忍态度惩治腐败,夺取反腐败斗争的压倒性胜利。党的以来,先后有多位副国级和省部级高官被查处。反腐败斗争不断深入。腐败高官被依法查处() 1体现了我国公民在法律面前一律平等的原则 2推动了公平正义,体现了人民民主的广泛性 3表明任何公民都享有同等的权利,履行同等的义务 4明任何组织和个人都不得有超越宪法和法律的特权 A.12B.14C.23D.34
【单选题】党 的十九大报告指出,以来,我国经济增长对世界经济增长贡献率超过( )
【简答题】Immigration formalities 1. Fill up the _____________ card 2. have _______ inspection and ________ quarantine 3. ______ the luggage 4. customs clearance: have customs inspection 5. have ________ check
【简答题】Translation the Immigration formalities: 1. Fill up the arrival/departure card 2. have frontier inspection and health quarantine 3. claim the luggage 4. customs clearance: have customs inspection 5. h...
【简答题】Write out the Chinese meanings of the terms in Column A. Terms Meanings 1. customs clearance 2. OEM 3. partial refund 4. digit bar code 5. quality-price ratio 6. favorites 7. CPM(cost per mille) 8. fo...
【简答题】英译汉 1. barter trade 2. commodity inspection 3. comparative advantage 4. credit reference 5. customs clearance 6. direct trade 7. direct transit trade 8. documentation 9. domestic trade 10.economies of...