【判断题】The operating budget is that part of the master budget that includes the capital expenditures budget, cash budget, budgeted balance sheet, and the budgeted statement of cash flows.
【单选题】变动成本法下产品成本中一定不包含的项目是( )。
【单选题】下列属于资本性支出的是( )。Which of the following belongs to capital expenditures? ( ).
支付本月职工工资Payment of wages for employees this month
支付本月电费 Payment of electricity charges this month
购置固定资产支出Expenditure on purchasing fixed assets
支付本月水费Payment of water charges this month
【单选题】____________ occurs when a firm raises money for working capital or capital expenditures by selling debt instruments such as bonds and notes to individuals and/or institutional investors.
【单选题】营造法式是( )李诫(字明仲)所著。《营造法式>[公元1097年奉旨旨编修,1100年成书,1103年刊行),它是我国历史上—部著名的讲述建筑技术、艺术和制图的建筑典籍,也是世界上很早刊印的建筑图书,共36卷,内有工程图样6卷之多,书中所用的图示方法,与当前建筑工程制图中所用的颇相近。