【简答题】Watch the video clip a third time and complete the answers to the following questions. Wang Hai 的择偶标准: He’d
date a girl who is more1) . And she wouldn’t 2) about 3) . She has a different career but
【单选题】In every cultivated language, there are two great classes of words which, taken together, comprise the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words(1)which we become acquainted in daily conversation...
【简答题】What does the narrative tell us? The text tells us that Margie, a girl who is aged 11 in 2157, always 1 school because her teacher is a 2 one and she has to learn at regular hours and put her 3 into a...
【单选题】关于 永恒主义课程理论下面说法不正确的是()
主张古典学科应该在学校课程中占有中心地位,永恒课程首先是那些经历了许多世纪而达到 古典著作水平的书籍,主张学习名著
产生于20世纪30年代的美国,主要代表人物有美国的哈钦 、 阿德勒 、 利文斯通 、 阿兰 等