【简答题】B-5-1-4 填空 请将以下描述对应的审计意见类型填在括号内 【要求】全部采用单数、小写,单词之间留一个英文字符 In our opinion, because of the lacking of the information mentioned in Opinion paragraph, the financial statements do not present the informat...
【简答题】B-5-1-1 填空 请将以下描述对应的审计意见类型填在括号内 【要求】全部采用单数、小写,单词之间留一个英文字符 In our opinion HSBC Group financial statements and parent company financial statements - Gives a true and fair view of the state of the compan...
【简答题】B-5-1-2 填空 请将以下描述对应的审计意见类型填在括号内 【要求】全部采用单数、小写,单词之间留一个英文字符 In our opinion, except for the effects of the matter described in the basis for qualified opinion section, the financial statements - Give a t...