【多选题】下列关于旅游经济现象的表述正确的是( ) The correct description about tourism economy phenomenon are ( )
旅游经济是旅游者的消费活动与旅游产业的经营活动的综合 Tourism economy is the combination of tourists ’ consumption activities and tourism industry ’ s activities of operation and management.
旅游经济的运动是旅游者的旅游需求与旅游经营者的旅游供给的结合 The movement of tourism economy is the combination of tourist demand and tourism operator ’ s supply.
旅游经济关系的本质总是表现为通过商品交换所形成的各利益主体间的经济关系 The essence of tourism economic relations is always expressed as the economic relations among the various interest ( 利益 ) groups by commodity exchange.
旅游经济的利益主体主要涉及旅游者、旅游企业和政府 The stakeholders( 利益相关者 ) of tourism economy mainly involve tourists, tourism enterprises and the government.