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I. Words to Practice. F ill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. extend overcome relief dawn continue invisible define offer 1 The birds start singing at the break of . 2 The air craft is designed to be to radar. 3 The borderline between friendship and intimacy is often hard to . 4 It was such a to hear that Marta was found safe and well. 5 He $4000 for the car. 6 He will to work in the garden himself, as no one helps him. 7 He all obstacles ( 障碍) in his path to the top. 8 The military powers their authority abroad. II. Expressions to Practice. F illin the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form wherenecessary. by the time go by along with fall inlove with be full of 1 When he studies, he always energy. 2 It is natural that he such a beautiful girl. 3 My grandmother was becoming weaker and thinner as time . 4 It was late we got to Illinois, because of all theunscheduled stops. 5 Lehman plans to discuss the plans the earnings next Monday. III. Word Building I. Find the words unpaved, uncrowded in Text A. The prefix un- combines with adjectives, nouns and adverbs to form new adjectives having the opposite meaning to the original words. Form new words by adding or removing un-. 1 lock ______________ 2 bind ______________ 3 wrap ______________ 4 dress ______________ 5 certain ______________ 6 lucky ______________ 7 limited ______________ 8 unreasonable ___________ 9 unbalance ____________ 10 happy ______________ 11 kind ______________ 12 known ______________ 13 unable ______________ 14 healthy ______________ 15 unhelpful ______________ 16 unwilling ______________ II. Find the words leader, runner in Text A.The suffix -er combines with verbs to form new words referring to people who do a particular thing. Form new words by adding or removing -er. 1 teach ______________ 2 drive ______________ 3 runner ______________ 4 swim ______________ 5 observe ______________ 6 travel ______________ 7 garden ______________ 8 wait ______________ IV. Banked Cloze A come B because C purpose D immediate E elements F rules G fixed H hit I rather J interest Unlike most sports, which evolved over time from street games, basketball was designed by one man to suit a particular purpose. The man was Dr. James Naismith, and his 1 was to invent a vigorous game that could be played indoors in the winter. In 1891, Naismith was an instructor at at raining school. That year the school was trying to 2 up with a physical activity that the men could enjoy between thefootball and baseball seasons. None of the standard indoor activities held their 3 for long. Naismith was asked to solvethe problem by the school. He decided to invent a game that would incorporate the most common 4 of outdoor team sports without having the real physical contact. Most popular sports used a ball, so he chose a soccer ball 5 it was soft and large enough that it re-quired no equipment, such as a bat or a racket to 6 it. Next he decided on an elevated goal, so that scoring would depend on skill and accuracy 7 than on strength only. His goals were two peach baskets, 8 to ten-foot-high balconies at each end of the gym. The basic idea of the game was to throw the ball into the basket. Naismith wrote 9 for the game, many of which, though with some small changes, are still in effect. Basketball was an 10 success. The students taught it to their friends and the new sport quickly took on. Today, basketball is one of the most popular games throughout the world. V. Translation I. Translate the following sentencesinto Chinese, paying attention to the words or phrases in bold. 1 One day I watch the rain stop and realize how many more times I’ve seen it start. _________________________________________________________________ 2 The path here is full of runners, moving at a fine pace, knees high. _________________________________________________________________ 3 Don’t push your child into a sport because it’s what you enjoyed. _________________________________________________________________ 4 At thousands of sports fans buy expensive tickets to watch their favorite teams and athletes play in person . ________________________________________________________________ 5 Not only do Americans import sports, but they export sports fever, as well. _________________________________________________________________ II . Translate the following sentences into English, using the words orphrases in brackets. 1 乒乓球在全球有大约9亿的爱好者。 (around the world) Table tennis has about_______________________ _____________. 2 充分的运动会加速血液流动,增加大脑供氧量。 (workout; the amount of) A solid____________ increases blood flow and _______________ oxygen getting to thebrain. 3 一直以来我们都知道运动不仅有助于身体健康,而且有利于心理健康。 (mental health) It has long been known that exercise is not only good for your body, ___ ________________ ________. 4 中国传统体育是世界体育文化的重要组成部分。 (component) Traditional Chinese sports is_______________________________________. 5 中国女排在奥运会上所取得的胜利极大地鼓舞了中国人民。 (great inspiration) The victory of Chinese women’s volleyball team at the Olympic Games was a_____________________________________.
【简答题】阅读理解。 In 1977, Jack, an Italian-American who lived in San Francisco, flew from America to Italy to visit his relatives. On the way, the plane made a one-hour stop to refuel (加油) at the New York Airpor...
【简答题】完形填空 When we were having an English test this morning, I felt somebody was watching me a little too closely, I turned my 1 quickly and saw Jack, who sat right behind me. My eyes caught 2 and he said v...
【简答题】听下面一段材料,回答第1-3题。 1. Why does the woman look rather pale? A. Because she caught a bad cold. B. Because she was sick last night. C. Because she didn't sleep last night. 2. When did Jack eat at that new ...
【简答题】听下面一段材料,回答1至3题。 1. What happened to Jack's shop? [     ] A. His shop was on fire twice in one month. B. His shop was checked twice in one month. C. His shop was broken into twice in one month. 2. What...
【单选题】what is the main idea of the text?
Credit does not play a role in economy.
Banking sector and capital markets sometimes are not so important in economy.
Argentina's economy is the best one in Latin America.
Argentina is a paradise for business.
【单选题】The man is making the call because the cell phone
can't receive or make calls.
can receive signals but always cuts off halfway.
can make calls but the signal is not clear.
can only receive incoming calls.
【单选题】What is the main idea of this passage?
Leading role of McDonald's.
Fast and convenient food of McDonald's.
Excellent service of McDonald's.
Inception and development of McDonald's.
【单选题】In China phone talk is expensive. If you want to make it cheaper, make phone calls using the Internet, which can cost as little as 30% or even 5% of a traditional call. But changing your DDD(domestic ...
much more convenient
much cheaper
more dependable
more efficient
【单选题】What is Tom's main role in his new position?
Interpreting the changes from different sources.
Analyzing changes from the Internet for customers.
Using media information to inspire new ideas.
Creating things from changes in behavior, media, etc.
【单选题】_______ is a telephone that you can carry with you and use to make or receive calls wherever you are.
An earphone
A microphone
A cellphone
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