【简答题】a. having the same value, purpose, job, etc. as a person or thing of a different kind 等值的;同等的;相当的n. [C] sth. that has the same value, size, etc. as sth. else 等价物;等同物;对应物
【单选题】童话通过丰富的想象、幻想和夸张来塑造艺术形象 , 反映生活 , 对自然物的描写用拟 人化手法。下列选项中 , 作者与作品对应不正确的是 ( )
【简答题】a. cater to sb. / sth. b. make a racke t c. close the deal d. sc by e. incorporate sth. Into/in sth. f. have a say over g. boils down to sth. h. take/have/make a stab at sth. i. got emancipated fr...
【简答题】w______ n. the remains of sth. that has been wrecked
【简答题】function: n . [C, U] the purpose that sth . has, or the job that sb. or sth .
does 翻译句子:在新的工作岗位上,你将要履行许多不同的职责。
【简答题】n. sth that has the same value, purpose, etc. as sth else
【简答题】a. make a racke t b. cater to sb. / sth. c. have a say over d. sc by e. incorporate sth. into/in sth. f. close the deal g. boils down to sth. h. run errands i. got emancipated from j. extract sth....
【简答题】n. the high reputation and respect that sb. or sth. has earned, based on their impressive achievements, quality, etc.
【简答题】n. [C] the opinion that people have about sb. or sth. because of what has happened in the past 名誉;名望
【简答题】n. [C, U] the purpose that sth. has, or the job that sb. or sth. does (事物的)功能,作用;(某人的)职责;vi. work or operate in the correct way 正常工作;正常运转