2019 年政府工作报告选词练习(2) 根据原文,补全译文,一空一词 : 1. 今年是新中国 成立 70 周年,是全面 建成 小康社会、实现第一个百年奋斗目标的关键之年。 译文: This year is the 70 th anniversary of the of the People’s Republic of China. It will be a crucial year for us as we endeavor to achieve the first Centenary Goal of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. ( 转换词类 ) 2. 增强人民群众 获得感 、幸福感、安全感 译文: enable people to feel more , happy, and secure ( 转换词类 ) 3. 困难不容低估,信心不可 动摇 ,干劲不能松懈。 译文: The difficulties we face must not be underestimated, our confidence must not be , and the energy we bring to our work must not be allowed to wane. 4. 只要就业稳、收入增,我们就更有 底气 。 译文: With stable employment and increasing incomes, we can continue to be fully . ( 转换词类 ) 5. 我国发展仍处于重要战略机遇期,拥有 足够的 韧性、 巨大的 潜力和不断迸发的创新活力,人民群众追求美好生活的愿望十分强烈。 译文: China is still in an important period of strategic opportunity for development and has resilience, potential, and great creativity to unleash. The longing of our people for a better life is strong. 6. 污染防治要聚焦打赢蓝天保卫战等重点 任务 ...... 译文:In addressing pollution, we will focus on major such as the fight to keep our skies blue... 7. 我国仍处于并将长期处于社会主义 初级 阶段,仍是世界最大发展中国家。 译文:China is still and will long remain in the stage of socialism; and it continues to be the world’s largest developing country. 8. 坚决 避免 发生系统性、区域性风险。 译文: decisively any systemic or regional risks 9. 打造法治化、国际化 、 便利化 的营商环境 译文 :create a business environment based on rule of law that is internationalized and ( 转换词类 ) 10. 中国人民勤劳智慧,具有无限的创新创造潜能,只要充分 释放 出来,中国的发展就一定会有更为广阔空间。 译文: The Chinese are an industrious and talented people and possess boundless potential for innovation and creativity. All we need to do is that potential and the space for China’s development going forward will doubtless be vast.