【简答题】某县纪委、监察局对该县乡镇教师考调进城任教工作的重要招考环节进行全程监督,这是“三转”要求的具体体现。 判断对错
【简答题】Paragraph2 sentence1: It is true that in the ancient period, the Silk Road served as a channel of trade and cultural exchange between the East and West, which may have allowed an awareness of the anci...
【简答题】Please refer to y Test 3, p87-88, Textbook. Identify the main idea for each paragraph and fill in the blanks with numbers(1/2/3/4...) that signify the main-idea sentences. The main idea of parag...
【单选题】The word 'labyrinth' in Paragraph 2 Sentence 1 is closest in meaning to
【简答题】paragraph 2 Sentence 2: Yet sport appears to play a more fundamental and deeply-rooted role in national culture and socio-political life in all social communities at all times. 1) Chinese translation ...
【单选题】In paragraph 1 sentence 2,“these building blocks”refer to______.
devices, apparatus, and machinery
【简答题】材料一 1996年12月,某市教委计财科按照工作常规对所管辖的镇区教办,进行一年一度的财务审核。经审核,发现该镇中心幼儿园两名公办教师至今还未领到市教委从1996年1月始每月增加的生活补贴。经调查,教委的拨款已到位,问题在于该园的主管领导——该镇抓教育的副镇长不同意,理由是:(1)要保持公办教师与民办教师收入的平衡;(2)幼儿教师的待遇不能与小学教师等同。为了保护幼儿教师应有的权利,教委及教办有关...