【单选题】The atmosphere is all the air surrounding the earth. Without it, we would be forced to seek shelter from the sun, as there would be no atmosphere to protect us from the sun's deadly rays. Large and po...
the total amount of oxygen over the earth
mixture of gases surrounding the earth
the diffusion of waste gas
【单选题】( )的主要组成物质是蛋白质,是动物的毛发和腺分泌物等。
【单选题】玉米子粒的化学组成主要是淀粉,约占子粒质量的( )%,这是把玉米作为淀粉生产原料的主要依据。除此之外,还含有蛋白质、油脂、纤维素、可溶性糖、矿物质等。
【单选题】Our bodies are built in ________ a way that the weight of all the air does not crush us.