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完形填空 Jerry is the kind of man you love to hate.He is always in a(n)__ 1 __mood and always has something __ 2 __to say.In his opinion, the bottom line is your choice__ 3 __you live a life. One morning, he did something you are never__ 4 __to do in the restaurant business: he left the back door open and was__ 5 __up at gunpoint by three armed robbers.While trying to open the__ 6 __, with his hand shaking from__ 7 __, he input the wrong code.The robbers beat him and even__ 8 __him.Luckily, Jerry was found__ 9 __quickly after the robbers had fled and he was rushed to the local first aid center. After 18 hours of operation and weeks of good care, he was out of hospital with fragments (碎片) of the bullets still in his body. Jerry told me what happened after he was sent to hospital.He said the doctors were 10 .They kept telling him he was going to be fine and 11 him into the emergency room.But when he saw the 12 on the faces of the doctors and nurses, he got really 13 .In their eyes, he 14 , 'He's dying.' He knew he needed to take 15 .There was a big,burly nurse shouting questions at him.She asked if he was allergic (过敏的) to anything, and the doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for his reply.Jerry 16 for a while and then he decided to live.He took a deep breath and said, 'Yes. 17 !' Over their laughter, Jerry told them to operate on him 18 he wouldn't die. Jerry lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing 19 .I learnt from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, 20 , is everything. (     )1. A. exciting (     )2. A. positive (     )3. A. how (     )4. A. advised (     )5. A. pulled (     )6. A. box (     )7. A. nervousness (     )8. A. knocked (     )9. A. probably (     )10. A. excited (     )11. A. rolled (     )12. A. surprise (     )13. A. scared (     )14. A. knew (     )15. A. notice (     )16. A. thought (     )17. A. Medicine (     )18. A. unless (     )19. A. reply (     )20. A. to be honest B. good B. funny B. where B. imagined B. put B. safe B. worry B. killed B. relatively B. organized B. carried B. expressions B. embarrassed B. found B. order B. wondered B. Operation B. even if B. attitude B. in that case C. usual C. new C. whether C. asked C. held C. counter C. unwillingness C. knifed C. merely C. hardworking C. wheeled C. feeling C. disappointed C. meant C. breath C. judged C. Bullets C. as if C. opinion C. after all D. balanced D. different D. why D. supposed D. done D. door D. pressure D. shot D. reasonably D. great D. forced D. puzzles D. annoyed D. read D. action D. stopped D. Fragments D. before D. determination D. strictly speaking
【简答题】卫生服务质量(quality of healthcare)
【单选题】The healthcare and social assistant sector will account for almost a third of the job growth from 2012 to 2022.
A) 从 2012 年至 2022 年,从事医疗保健工作的员工将占社会救助业的三分之一。
)从 2012 年至 2022 年,医疗保健和社会救助业几乎将占就业增长的三分之一。
)从 2012 年至 2022 年,医疗保健和社会救助业将会占到三分之一的就业岗位。
【单选题】What is“preventative healthcare"? (paragraph 4)
emergency healthcare
steps taken to avoid getting sick
healthcare provided by medical experts
【简答题】学习幼儿教育心理学可以形成科学的( ),提高幼儿教育的( ),促进幼儿教师的专业成长。
【简答题】The On-going Debate over Healthcare Reform The public debate over healthcare reform. which the Nassau Guardian alone stirred up several weeks ago is at a curious point. It seems that the government's ...
【单选题】Part IV Translation-English into Chinese(句子) 63. The healthcare and social assistant sector will account for almost a third of the job growth from 2012 to 2022.
从 2012 年至 2022 年,从事医疗保健工作的员工将占社会救助业的三分之一。
从 2012 年至 2022 年,医疗保健和社会救助业几乎将占就业增长的三分之一。
从 2012 年至 2022 年,医疗保健和社会救助业将会占到三分之一的就业岗位。
【简答题】广播电视栏目设计 内容:设计一档栏目(PPT展示),类型不限,要求包含名称(解释含义)、播出时间、平台、内容、定位(受众)、特色、一期完整脚本展示(音频或视频形式, 3 分钟左右主持人自述),可参照主持人大赛,其他内容可自行添加。 说明 : 1. 尽可能运用所学,新颖,清晰,翔实,有特色。 2. 作业提交时间参照学委具体排序安排 3. 平台需要提交的分两部分,第一,PPT包含所有设计及脚本音频或视...
【简答题】医疗卫生法(medical healthcare law)
【简答题】程序修改 : 请 指出 程序中的错误, 并改正 ,使它能得出正确的结果。 注意 : 1 、 请将modi.c文件,下载到自己的考生文件夹中,完成试题要求内容, 本题不得增行或删行,也不得更改程序的结构!最终将本题程序与其它考题一起打包上交。 2 、 指出程序错误行, 只写数字 (如: 3 ),不得包含其它字符。 3 、改正为,应将 改正后的表达式整行 全都写到答案栏中 。(如原错误行为: a=0 ...
【简答题】任务说明:1、编写一段程序,完成百分制到字母等级制的转换,转换规律:100分为A+、90-99分为A(包含90和99分)、80-89为B(包含80和89分)、70-79为C(包含70和79分)、60-69为D(包含60和69分)、0-59为E(包含0和59分)。2、控制台输入数据,转化成相对应的等级。 实现思路:1、做分支判断,应用多个if-else结构。2、将成绩分成5个等级,将分数分成5个对应...
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