意群节奏划分练习,是一个训练大脑对大段语音信息进行切分的练习,有助于理解信息和掌握句子结构,也就是增强你们的“语感”哈 ~ 你们可以采用这样的方法进行练习: 1. 划分信息:播放音频,根据停顿的节奏在录音文本中划分信息; 2. 录制:根据你划分好节奏和意群的录音文本,自已用手机或电脑录音,尽可能模仿原录音的节奏、语速和语调。这个过程可以重复多次直至达到比较理想的效果 ~ 3. 上传提交:请将录制的音频文件以附件的传到答案输入框提交 Part 1 knowing something about Emerson’s philosophies will help you when you read ‘Self-Reliance’ and basically one of the main beliefs that he had was about truth not that it’s something that we can be taught Emerson says it’s found within ourselves so this truth the idea that it’s in each one of us is one of the first points that you’ll see Emerson making in this essay it’s a bit abstract but he’s very into each person believing his or her own thought believing in yourself the thought or conviction that’s true for you but actually he ties that in with a sort of ‘universal truth’ something that everyone knows but doesn’t realize they know most of us aren’t in touch with ourselves in a way so we just aren’t capable of recognizing profound truth it takes geniuses people like say Shakespeare who’re unique because when they have a glimpse of this truth this universal truth they pay attention to it and express it and don’t just dismiss it like most people do