【单选题】5 Which of the following groups may be considered to be stakeholders in the activities of a nuclear power station? (i) The government (ii) Environmental pressure groups (iii) Employees (iv) Local resi...
(i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
【简答题】2016年阅读真题 I am from Korea. My name is Min Joo. I turned 19 years, so I attended my country ’s coming-of - age ceremony started in the 10 th century . At that time, the king ’ s son received new ...
【单选题】Which of the following groups may be considered to be stakeholders in the activities of a nuclear power station?(i)The government(ii)Environmental pressure groups(iii)Employees(iv)Local residents
(i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
【简答题】读青藏地区图,回答问题 (1)A 山脉是 山脉。 (2)B 城市是 。 (3) 青藏地区大部分区域不适宜发展种植业,有限的农耕区局限于少数河谷地带(如C河河谷地带 )。青藏地区种植业仅分布在河谷地带的原因是 。 (4)图中D所在的阴影区域是 自然保护区。 (5)D自然保护区有“中华水塔”的美誉。这个地区水草丰美,湿地面积广大,野生动植特种群繁多,被称为生态的净土。但近年来,这里局部地区出现流沙、草...
【单选题】有人认为,“如果事物的表现形式和事物的本质会直接合二为一,一切科学家就都成为多余的了”,这一命题( )
【单选题】有人认为:“如果事物的表现形式和事物的本质会直接合二为一,一些科学家就都成为多余的了。” 这一命题()