【多选题】下列各项中,免征或暂免征收个人所得税的有( )。
【简答题】听写以上音频文件中的内容,请将答案写在输入框中。 提交答案后,可以查看标准答案。
【单选题】邓小平曾经指出:"港澳、台湾、海外的爱国同胞,不能要求他们都拥护社会主义,但是至少也不能反对社会主义的新中国,否则怎么叫爱祖国呢?"这说明,在当代中国( )。
【单选题】( )后,逐渐形成魏,蜀,吴三国鼎立的局面。
【单选题】Each type of engine has its applications which on board ship have resulted in the slow speed main propulsion diesel operating _____cycle.
either on the two-stroke or on the four-stroke
【单选题】Each type of engine has its applications, which on board ships have resulted in the slow speed main propulsion diesel operating cycle.
either on the two-stroke or on the four-stroke