【单选题】Which city is called 'the steel city' in the west of the U.S. ?
【单选题】The second largest stock exchange in the U.S. used to be called ( ).
the Wall Street Exchange
the New Tork Stock Exchange
【单选题】One of the ethnic groups in the U.S. that can be called 'Hispanics' is __________ .
【判断题】纳税人发生视同销售服务、无形资产或者不动产情形的,其纳税义务发生时间为服务、无形资产或者不动产情形的,其纳税义务发生时间为服务、无形资产转让完成的当天或者不动产权属变更的当天。( )
【单选题】One of the ethnic groups in tile U.S. that can be called 'Hispanics' is ______.
【单选题】It is called_ in the U.S.