【单选题】阅读下文,完成7—9题。 归园田居(其一) 陶渊明 少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山。误落尘网中,一去三十年。羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。开荒南 野际,守拙归园田。方宅十余亩,草屋八九间。榆柳荫后檐,桃李罗堂前。暧暧远人村,依依墟 里烟。狗吠深巷中,鸡鸣桑树颠。户庭无尘杂,虚室有余闲。久在樊笼里,复得返自然。 7. 下列句子中,对加点词语的解释,不正确的一项是
【判断题】供应链管理主要涉及到 3 个主要领域:供应、生产计划、物流。
【简答题】( ),池鱼思故渊。开荒南野际,( )。
【简答题】True friends double your happiness and half your burdens.Basically how you would like a true friend to be is what you should be like to your true friends.Trust,forgiveness, responsibility are some ele...
【单选题】My friend Kate is a good girl.
【单选题】阅读《归园田居(其一)》,完成7-9题 归园田居 晋 陶渊明 少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山。 误落尘网中,一去三十年。 羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。 开荒南野际,守拙归园田。 方宅十余亩,草屋八九间。 榆柳荫后檐,桃李罗堂前。 暧暧远人村,依依墟里烟。 狗吠深巷中,鸡鸣桑树颠。 户庭无尘杂,虚室有余闲。 久在樊笼里,复得返自然。 7.下列解释中,不正确的一项是( )
【单选题】Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?
By culture the author means something that people have in common in relation to their ideas, art, or their way of life.
All animals are found to have the same culture as human beings.
The ability to use tools used to serve as a dividing line between human beings and animals.
Many things that animals used to be considered unable to do are now proved possible.