【单选题】把 4 个网络 220 . 117 . 34 . 0/23 、 220 . 117 . 32 . 0/21 、 220 . 117 . 16 . 0/22 和 220 . 117 . 8 . 0/20 汇聚成一个超网,其目标地址是 ( ) 。
【简答题】美国好莱坞电影的“奇观化”法则指电影要表现出现实生活当中难得一见的东西。() 判断对错
【简答题】A.The water is too cold. B.The pool is too far away. C.The pool is too crowded. D.The weather is too hot.
【单选题】The lake is calm and clear, and one of the things that _____in the water is the famous tower.