【单选题】下列代码段的执行结果是______。int[][] a = {{1,4,3,2}, {8,6,5,7}, {3,7,2,5},{4,18,6,1}};int i0=0,j0=0;int min = a[0][0], max = a[0][0];for (int i=0; imax){ max = a[i][j]; j0=j; } }}}System.out.println(i0+” ”+j0);
【判断题】在大学,我们要学会自主学习、合作学习、全面学习、创新学习、终身学习。( )
【简答题】指出下列函数的错误。 int f(int i1=1,int i2=2,int i3=0); int g(int i1,int i2=0,int i3); int h(int i1=0,int i2,int i3=0);
【单选题】Causal order is often used to explain the _______ of something.
【单选题】[单选题]焊条电弧焊是采用熔渣和( )联合保护的。
【简答题】患儿为8岁农村男孩,因“突起高热3天,昏迷、抽搐1天”于本年8月3日入院。现体温40.1℃,血压14.7/9.3kPa(110/70mmHg)。皮肤无淤点。两瞳孔不等大,对光反应迟钝,颈有抵抗感。心率120次/分,双肺听诊正常。腹软,无压痛及反跳痛,肠鸣音不亢进。双侧Babinski征(+)。本例最可能的诊断是A、流行性乙型脑炎 B、流行性脑脊髓膜炎 C、中毒性肺炎 D、中毒性菌痢 E、脑型疟疾 ...
【单选题】Which of the conditions must be satisfied in order to justify the inference of a possible causal relationship between two variables?
. Time order of occurrence of variables
i. Absence of other possible causal factors
. Sterile measurement environment