【单选题】思想道德素质和( )是人的基本素质,决定着人们在日常生活中的行动目的和方向。
【简答题】Task 4 A guest comes to the Front Desk. He wants to extend his stay. Listen to the conversation and fill in the form with the information you hear. Guest name: _________________
【简答题】Write a program that outputs the following information : a\\b\?de
【单选题】执行如下代码:fname = input("请输入要写入的文件: ")fo = open(fname, "w+")ls = ["清明时节雨纷纷,","路上行人欲断魂,","借问酒家何处有?","牧童遥指杏花村。"]fo.writelines(ls)fo.seek(0,0)for line in fo: print(line)fo.close()以下选项中描述错误的是
执行代码时,从键盘输入 “ 清明 .txt” ,则清明 .txt 被创建
fo.seek(0,0) 这行代码如果省略,也能打印输出文件内容
fo.writelines(ls) 将元素全为字符串的 ls 列表写入文件
【单选题】Either the ways or the time ____ yet, but you may ask the headmaster for some information.
【单选题】You had better buy this newspaper, because it________much information about the earthquake. [ ]
【简答题】If the estimates of the U.S. Energy Information Administration about oil reserve in the deserts in western Iraq are true, the deposit of oil in Iraq will amount to______ .
【简答题】判断文献出版类型 : Smith,W. Retrieving art images by image content: the UC Davis QBIC project. Proc First International Conference on Electronic Library and Visual Information System Research, de Montfort Uni...