【判断题】Shift work means you do your job for part of the week and another person does it for the other part.()
【单选题】Shift work means that people work._
Different and irregular hours
【简答题】某拍卖公司拍卖一处房产,拍卖标的以50万元起价,但是无人应价。相关的信息显示,拍卖会上有个别竞买人采取不正当的手段,威胁其他竞买人,意图垄断拍卖市场。拍卖公司见状及时中止了拍卖。 经过与委托人协商,拍卖公司宣布采用减价拍卖方式重新拍卖。当拍卖师报价65万元的时候,持7号牌和11号牌的竞买者同时举牌。拍卖师认定,因为同时举牌,拍卖转为增价拍卖,由7号和11号继续竞价。最终由11号以85万元的价格拍得...
【简答题】段锋(1991年5月出生)于2007年8月与李琳(1990年8月出生)相识。建立恋爱关系后不到两个月,两人即在段锋的身宿舍同居。同居后,两人常因琐事争吵。2007年1 1月14日晚,李与段又发生争吵。段欲外出躲避,被李拉住不放。二人争吵时,住隔壁的赵某、韩某、王某等三人前来劝架。段因李不放手,恼羞成怒,威胁李再不松手,就将其衣服扯光。李仍不松手,段把李身穿的睡衣及内衣裤全部扯掉。赵某见状扔给...
【单选题】By saying that 'in too many academic fields, the work has no context' the author means that the teaching in these areas ______.
ignores the actual situation
is not based on the right perspective
only focuses on an integrated core of common learning
gives priority to the cultivation of a global vision among students
【单选题】If workers in a factory, hospital etc work shifts , they work for a particular period of time during the day or night, and are then replaced by others, so that there are always people working. "Shift"...
【单选题】Shift work means that people work __________.
different and irregular hours
【单选题】if workers in a factory, hospital etc work shift s, they work for a particular period of time during the day or night, and are then replaced by others, so that there are always people working shift me...