【简答题】男,62岁,在观看足球赛中突然晕倒,意识丧失2天。意识恢复时,右侧上下肢瘫痪。6周后检查发现:右侧上下肢痉挛性瘫痪,腱反射亢进,整个右半身的各种感觉缺损程度不一,但 本体感觉和精细触觉全部丧失。温觉部分丧失,痛觉未受影响。瞳孔对光反射正常,但两眼视野右侧半缺损。配合其他辅助检查该患者诊断为左侧内囊出血。请试述躯干四肢痛觉、温度觉和粗触觉传导路。
【单选题】以下减弱噪声的方法中,属于在声音的接收环节减弱噪声的是 [ ]
【判断题】The former secretary of the Unites States-Kerry talking about Girls are undervalued in some countries follows problem-solution order.
【判断题】The Chief Justice, John Marshall, refused to give Marbury a writ due to his negligence as the former Secretary of State.
【判断题】John Marshall, as the former Secretary of State, failed to deliver the commission to Marbury due to his negligence.