【简答题】So far the research has suggested that only the emotional effects of memories may be reduced, not that the memories are erased.
【单选题】So far, not only the workers but also the machine _____ worn out after working day and night for 10 days.
【单选题】When he was so far out that he could look back not only on the little bay but past the stretch of rock that was between it and the seashore, he floated on the warm suce and looked for his mother. T...
Jerry was not a good swimmer
Jerry failed to gain acceptance by the other boys
Jerry was on holiday abroad
Jerry was not on good terms with his mother
【单选题】某油田2019年3月销售原油1000吨,取得不含税销售额5000万元,销售与原油同时开采的天然气47.5万立方米,取得不含税销售额1000万元;自用原油25吨,其中18吨用于本企业在建工程,7吨用于修井。该油田原油和天然气的资源税税率均适用6%。该油田本月应纳资源税( )万元。