【简答题】Listen to a man ’ s talk about his first trip alone. Then answer the questions.
【简答题】Listen to a man’s talk about his first trip alone. Then answer the questions.
【简答题】Listen to a man's talk about his first trip alone. Then answer the questions.
【单选题】患者,男性,51岁。食管癌,进食困难3个月 患者乏力、极度口渴、尿少色深。查体:体 温、血压正常,唇干舌燥,皮肤弹性差。考 虑患者的脱水类型是
【单选题】某慢性肾小球肾炎患者,近几天见血尿明显,水肿加重,血压24.3/14kPa(182/105mmHg),根据该患者病情,你如何制定其休息原则( )
【单选题】Carol invited the author to talk about his trip to her students so that they can __________.
get to know the real world
meet new people other than just their kin