(Z)-7- 甲基-6-异丁基-4-异丙基-4-壬烯
(Z)-7- 甲基-4-异丙基-6-异丁基-4-壬烯
(E)-7- 甲基-6-异丁基-4-异丙基-4-壬烯
(Z)-8- 甲基-4-异丙基-6-仲丁基-4-壬烯
【判断题】难挥发非电解质溶液的依数性与溶液的浓度成正比而与溶质种类无关。( )
【判断题】难挥发非电解质溶液的依数性与溶液的浓度成正比而与溶质种类无关。 ( )
【单选题】The local enterprises are ( ) the opportunity of the grand national plan to upgrade themselves.当地企业正在顺应国家的宏伟大计,把握机遇提升自己。
【简答题】A.It means the opportunity to experience and to realize to the maximum the forces that are within us. B.It means great worldly achievements or accomplishments or wealth. C.It means being on the top of...
【简答题】男孩,4岁,上楼梯时被父亲牵拉右上肢后哭闹,右手不肯持物,肘关节活动受限。考虑可能的疾病( )A、锁骨骨折 B、肘关节脱位 C、肩关节脱位 D、腕关节脱位 E、桡骨头半脱位 应采用的治疗措施为( )A、右上肢石膏固定 B、右上臂小夹板固定 C、'8'字绷带固定 D、手法复位 E、三角巾悬吊 该损伤的治愈标准( )A、肘关节可进行屈曲运动 B、肘关节可进行伸直运动 C、肘关节可进行旋前运动 D、上肢...
【单选题】The Curies had hoped that the Nobel Prize would finally bring the opportunity for a chair at the French Academy and the laboratory that went with it.【C1】______ , it brought unwanted publicity and more...