Tom: I feel like I am at a (1) in my career, and I don’t know what to do. Susan: Why do you feel so, Tom? Tom: You see, I am in the IT field, and my job pays well. But the (2) is I don’t want to get up and go into the office every morning. I’m not as happy as I used to be doing this type of work. Susan: Do you mean you are considering changing? Tom: Well, maybe. But my fear is that if I (3) now, I won’t be making that much money. Susan: Actually your situation is (4). Many people feel (5) in jobs that they hate, but cannot quit because of financial reasons. Tom: (6)! But this doesn’t seem easy. Susan: Of course not. Now it seems that you are faced with two (7): an unpleasant job with high pay or an enjoyable job with probably low pay. Tom: Yes. What would you choose then? Susan: I’d rather work at a low-paying job that I love. (8). You see, work affects the other areas of life and has a deep impact on a person’s (9) on life. It’s very difficult to (10) and be creative in a job you dislike. Tom: That (11). You’re more likely to be successful if you’re working in a job you care about. Susan: Money doesn’t always make you happy. Research shows that if you have a job (12), you’re much more likely to be happy than if you’re doing something meaningless. And meaningful work is one of the keys to personal fulfillment. Tom: Yes, absolutely. It’s (13) find work that is meaningful and fulfilling.