【多选题】You are the network administrator for ExamSheet.net. You administer ExamSheet's Windows 2000 network. You want to update the device driver for the network adapter in your Windows 2000 Professional com...
Perform an emergency repair of the system from the Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM by using the Emergency Repair Disk for the computer.
Restart the computer. In the Recovery Console, use the Extract utility to reinstall the loopback driver from the Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM.
Restart the computer by using the last know good configuration.
Restart the computer in safe mode and reinstall the original network adapter driver.
Restart the computer and disable Plug and Play in the computer BIOS.
【单选题】经虚假的经济业务事项或资料进行会计核算是一种严重的( )行为。
【简答题】有下列实验装置示意图: 请回答下列问题: (1)指出下列仪器的名称:a ▲ ;b ▲ 。 (2)实验室用高锰酸钾制取氧气,应选用的发生装置是 ▲ (填装置代号)。反应的化学方程式为 ▲ ,该反应的基本反应类型属于 ▲ 。 (3)实验室若用B、D装置组合,制取并收集一瓶二氧化碳,反应的化学方程式为 ▲ ,验满的方法是 ▲ 。 (4)查阅资料知道:①在常温下,常用亚硫酸钠固体和稀硫酸反应制取SO 2 ...
【多选题】货币政策的目标是货币政策的首要问题,货币政策的目标一般包括( )。
【单选题】经虚假的经济业务事项或资料进行会计核算是一种严重的( )行为。
【简答题】根据下图所示实验装置回答下列问题: (1)请写出有标号仪器的名称:① ___ ;② _____ . (2)在常温下,用亚硫酸钠固体和稀硫酸制取二氧化硫气体,应选用的发生装置是 ___ ;由于二氧化硫是易溶于水、密度比空气大的有毒气体,所以应用 ____ 装置进行收集,以便将尾气吸收处理,避免造成大气污染. (3)A中试管口略向下倾斜,是为了防止受热后产生 ____ ;B中长颈漏斗末端应伸到液面以下...
【单选题】You are the desktop administrator for Company. Janos is a user in Company's accounting department. Janos uses a Windows 2000 Professional portable computer. Janos reports that when the computer is u...
Remove the storage device from the hardware profile on Janos’ computer.
Create a local user account for Janos on his computer. Copy the JZXDRV.dll file to the profile folder for Janos’ local user account. Instruct Janos to log on to his computer by using his local user account whenever the computer is unlocked.
Copy the computer's default hardware profile to create a new hardware profile named Undocked. Remove the storage device from the Undocked hardware profile.
Copy the computer's default hardware profile to create a new hardware profile named Unlocked. Disable the storage device in the Undocked hardware profile. Instruct Janos to start the computer by using the Undocked hardware profile whenever the computer is undocked.
【简答题】实验室制取气体所需的装置如下图所示,请回答下列问题: (1)写出装置图中标号仪器的名称:① ;② 。 (2)实验室制取二氧化碳的化学方程式为 ,所选用的发生装置为 ,收集装置为 (填字母)。 (3)实验室用装置A制取氧气的化学方程式为 ,若用E装置收集氧气,当观察至导管口有气泡 地放出时,即可进行收集。 (4)选择气体收集方法时,气体的下列性质:①颜色 ②密度 ③溶解性 ④可燃性,其中必须考虑的是...