【单选题】Just as there are occupations that require college or even higher degrees, ______ occupations for which technical training is necessary.
【单选题】第 17 题(本题:1分) 有以下程序: #include main() { int a1,a2; char c1,c2; scanf("%d%c%d%c",&a1,&c1,&a2,&c2); printf("%d,%c,%d,%c",a1,c1,a2,c2); } 若想通过键盘输入,使得a1的值为12,a2的值为34,c1的值为字符a,c2的值为字符b,程序输出结果是:12,a,34,b 则正...
【单选题】听力原文:M: I wish to buy a new car, but I spent too much on my house last year. W: New cars are expensive. You can't borrow so much money. Q: What happens to the man? (15)
He has some money to buy a new car.
He fails in borrowing enough money from the woman.
He will spend much money on his house.
He wants to buy a new house and a new car.
【简答题】下面是某校一则启事初稿的片段,其中有五处不合书面语体的要求,请找出并作修改。(5分) prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" ?xml:namespace> 我校学生宿舍下水道时常堵住。后勤处认真调查了原因,发现管子陈旧,需要换掉。学校打算 7月15日开始施工。施工期间正遇上暑假,为安全起见,请全体学生暑假期间不要在校住宿。望...
【单选题】第 34 题(本题:1分) 若有以下程序 #include int a=2; int f(int m) { static int n; n=0; n++; a++; return n+m+a; } main() { int k; for (k=0; k<4; k++) printf("%d,", f(k)); } 则程序的输出结果是