TASK 2 Most of us, regardless of what we do for a living or where we live, spend most of our days solving problems. Most problems we face are small but some are large and complex. Let’s think about just what we mean by a problem. A problem can be an opportunity to make yourself or some situation better. The problems need not arise because of a bad event. Often the possibility for improvement brings a “problem” for you to solve. Developing a positive attitude toward problems can make you into a happier, more confident person who feels much more in control of life. A problem is the difference between your present situation and your target. When you know where you are and where you want to be, you have a problem. If you find a solution to the problem you will find a way to get to your destination. A problem results from wanting a better future. Believing that you can get this better future will give you the strength to deal with any problems that stand in the way of this. A challenge is another definition of a problem. Problem solving involves thinking about what you really want. Here is an example: you have just brought some dim sum home from the restaurant and it is beginning to cool. If you only like very hot dim sum, then you have a problem: how to keep the dim sum from cooling. On the other hand, if you like warm dim sum, then you do not have a problem. Most of us have to solve problems _______________.