【单选题】In Australia the Asians have made their influence ______ in businesses, large and small.
【单选题】Why do consumers, businesses and investors retreat and panic in times of depression?
They suffer great losses in stocks, property and other assets.
They find the self-correcting mechanisms disfunctioning.
They are afraid the normal social order will be paralyzed.
They don't know what is going to happen in the future.
【单选题】下列各句中,与“臣诚恐见欺于王而负赵”文言句式相同的是( )
【多选题】新时代,我们要坚定“四个自信”,即道路自信和( )
【多选题】正确认识当代世界和中国发展大势,正确认识中国特色和国际比较,坚定四个自信,即( )。
【简答题】White-collar crime refers to crime committed by ______ ______ in businesses and corporations. It includes tax fraud and embezzlement, and it can involve large sums of money and affect millions of peop...
【判断题】下列对《廉颇蔺相如列传》句式判断是否正确( ) 和氏璧,天下所共传宝也。(判断句) 秦城恐不可得,徒见欺 ( 被动句 ) 臣诚恐见欺于王而负赵 (省略句) 使不辱于诸侯 (被动句) 会于西河外渑池 (介词结构后置 ) 求人可使报秦者 (定语后置) 何以知之 ...