【单选题】听力原文:What did the email from the director say? (A) I haven't had a chance to read it yet. (B) No, it was sent last week. (C) Yes, there was a file attached. (11)
【单选题】属于船舶发电机原动机本身故障造成全船失电的常见原因有()。 Ⅰ、调速器故障; Ⅱ、操作失误; Ⅲ、大电流、过负荷; Ⅳ、滑油低压; Ⅴ、冷却水低压; Ⅵ、燃油供油中断。
【单选题】根据建设部 2000年颁布的《建筑工程施工图设计文件审查暂行办法》规定,( )应当将施工图报送建设行政主管部门,由建设行政主管部门委托有关审查机构对施工图进行审查。
【判断题】双闭环调速系统两个调节器均采用 PI 调节器,在启动过程的恒流升速阶段, 电流环工作在稳态。
【单选题】Read the email. Then, choose the correct answers. What is the purpose of the email?
to give instructions on replacing parts of a track.
to list a construction schedule for a section of track.
to warn an employee about the safety hazards on a track.
to explain the results of a track inspection.