【判断题】An air waybill is a receipt for goods and evidence of contract.
【多选题】An air waybill is used for ( )
freight bill calculation
compiling cargo statistics
specific information on handling the shipment.
【单选题】Usually, an air waybill is non-negotiable, that is, the goods must be sent to the consignee titled in the air waybill. ( )
【判断题】An air waybill is a title document, creating ownership of the goods consigned.
【简答题】An air waybill is a transportation contract between( ),and an important cargo receipt issued by a carrier or his agent.
【单选题】甲公司“应收账款”总分类账户下设“X公司”和“Y公司”两个明细账户,“应收账款”总账余额为500000元,“X公司”明细账户余额为300000元,总账和所属明细账账户余额方向均一致,则“Y公司”明细账户的余额为( )元。
【单选题】患者男性, 56 岁。建筑工人,在高温闷热的夏天室外工作,近日出现全身乏力、继而体温升高、有时可达 prefix="st1" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" 40 ℃ ,并出现皮肤干热,无汗、谵妄和抽搐,脉搏加快,血压下降,呼吸浅速等表现,来急诊室就诊,考虑可能是热射病(中暑高热)。首要治疗措施是: prefix="o" ns="ur...