【简答题】育新人,就是要坚持立德树人、以文化人,建设社 会主义精神文明、培育和践行社会主义核心价值 观,提高人民思想觉悟、道德水准、文明素养,培 养能够担当 () 大任的时代新人。
【单选题】From the way it tastes, you might think French roast has more caffeine in it than regular coffee, but it has less. The darker the roast, the less caffeine there is in it. I read this in Consumer Repor...
whether Consumer Reports is a good source of information about coffee
whether French roast has more caffeine than regular coffee
whether most people think French roast has more caffeine than regular coffee
【单选题】辨证实训3张××,男,35岁 病史:患者于二年前开始咳嗽,时轻时重,缠绵不愈,近三个月来咳嗽加剧,出现声音嘶哑,咯痰量少痰中带有血丝,伴见口燥咽干,午后潮热,颧红,盗汗,腰酸,梦遗,大便干结,小便短赤,舌质红少苔,脉细数。 请写出主诉,再根据脏腑辨证给出诊断。 主诉选项:A咳嗽2年。B咳嗽2年,伴声音嘶哑。C反复咳嗽2年,复发加重伴咯血丝痰3月。D咳痰见少量血丝3月。 辨证选项:A 脾肺气虚 B ...