【简答题】根据所学的哺乳动物知识回答下列问题. 是兽中跑得最快的一种动物,奔跑100米只需3秒钟.当捕食瞪羚时,都是先悄悄地接近瞪羚到30米左右时.再猛扑过去.瞪羚发现危险时,会全力逃跑,猛跑一阵,又会立即停住,马上改向一侧跑去.即使这样,猎豹仍十有追上瞪羚,并甩前腿把它绊倒,咬住它的喉部,用锋利的牙齿将瞪羚颈部的静脉和动脉咬断.直至其断气. (1)①上述叙述中动物的行为有______. ②猎豹...
【单选题】In the sentence “You should get a passbook and a debit card”, the word ”passbook” means ( ).
a secret phrase that you need to know in order to open your account
a small book containing a record of the money you put into and take out of an account at a bank
an official document that identifies you as a citizen of a particular country, and that you may have to show when you enter or leave a country
【多选题】针对 5岁以下儿童进行短式网球教学重点是( )。
针对 5岁以下儿童进行短式网球教学重点是(多选题)A、力量练习 B、柔韧练习 C、速度练习 D、灵敏练习力量练习
【单选题】推铅球滑步结束时,右脚落在圈的中心附近与投掷方向的构成角度约为 。
【单选题】、推铅球滑步结束时,右脚落在圈的中心附近与投掷方向的构成角度约为_____ 。
【简答题】词汇冲关: passbookA. to
write your name B. a
book that contain the record of your
money in the bank C. money that are used in France
【多选题】针对 5 岁以下儿童进行 短式 网球教学重点是