【单选题】中国画的构图多采用( ),这种构图方法视野开阔,构图灵活,在作画过程中画中的物象可以随意布置,冲破了时间和空间的局限。
【单选题】中国画的构图多采用( ),这种构图方法视野宽阔,构图灵活,在作画过程中,画中的物象可以随意布置,冲破了时间与空间的局限。
【简答题】听音,填空。 1. ' Very good, Li Ming! ' ________ Danny. 2. ________ on, please. 3. Li Ming walks ________. 4. Let's make a ________ on the snowman. 5. Can you skate ________?
【单选题】“Conciseness”means _______ in writing application letter.
【判断题】Conciseness means avoiding unnecessary repetition and wordy expressions, including only relevant facts (with courtesy), and organizing effectively.
【简答题】Conciseness means using words economically and eliminating ______.
【判断题】Conciseness means being brief, without using unnecessary words, and the opposite of conciseness is redundancy.
【判断题】Conciseness means to wirte with as much words as possible.