【单选题】Base liquor is _____ ingredients of cocktail.
【判断题】A drunk man at the meeting said that it proved that i f you suffered from worms, you should drink alcohol!
【单选题】It’s distilled from fermented molasses or sugar cane. It is usually mixed with orange juice, lime juice, cola and other beverages. Which base liquor is it?
【多选题】进行横骨架式船底骨架局部强度校核计算中应包含的内容有 ( )
【多选题】影响团队凝聚力的因素很多,下面选项中属于此类因素的是( )。
【单选题】影响团队凝聚力的因素包括外部因素和内部因素,其中不属于内部因素是( )。