【判断题】English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) refers to the use of English as a medium of communication between people of different languages.
【单选题】____refers to a set of words or terms that are shared by those with a common profession or experience.
【简答题】剪力墙由( )等构件组成。A. 剪力墙梁; B. 剪力墙身; C. 剪力墙洞口; D. 剪力墙柱; E. 地下室外墙
【单选题】refers to the phenomenon that those who do not share a first language communicate with each other in a language that they know.
【简答题】Lingua Franca refers to a specific __________ that is used as an
__________ means of __________. It holds __________ among different
groups of people.
【单选题】诗的结尾作者自伤身世,自觉与琵琶女颇多相似,选出分析不正确的一项( )
.一个 “ 本是京城女 ” ,一个 “ 去年辞帝京 ” ,都是从长安来到偏远的江州。
.一个因年长色衰而嫁人,一个因直言进谏而遭贬,都有荣衰变迁, “ 幽愁暗恨 ” 。
【单选题】refers to the phenomenon that those who do not share a first language communicate with each other in a language that they know.