I. Choose the one which is equal to the word given blow . 1. fallacy A. religious belief B. false belief C. commitment D. fraud 2. enterprising A. initiative B. commercial C. business-like D. busy 3. limp A. stiff B. rigid C. poor D.drooping 4. flaccid A. firm B. resilient C. flabby D. soft 5. pedantic A.scholastic B. careless C. thorough D. peaceful 6. perspicacious A. undetermined B. flagitious C. Discerning D. prestigious 7. trauma A. psychological problem B. emotional shock C. mental pleasure D. internal reflection 8. astute A. sluggish B. slow C. stupid D. smart 9. contrite A. feel regretted B. feel angry C. feel sad D. feel helpless 10. shed A. Pull leg B. litter trash C. lose hair D. take shelter 11. desist A. cease B. insist C. castrate D. integrate 12. exasperation A. hunger B.anger C. sympathy D. indifference 13. waif A. smuggler B. musician C. homeless child D. mafia 14. i nfamy A. being famous B. being infamous C. being honest D. being dishonest 15. contrite A. patient B. pliable C. platonic D. Penitent 16. acme A. peak B. bottom C. cross D. crisis 17. exultant A. exhausted B. triumphant C. inherent D. complicated 18. shamble A. walk awkwardly B. tremble terribly C. smile mildly D. shine brightly 19. i mpressionable A. impressive B. intrusive C. sufficient D. suggestible 20. covet A. desire eagerly B. hate strongly C. welcome warmly D. envy sickly I I. Analyze the logical fallacy in the following statements. 1. People all over the world are peace-loving. 2. My parents love cats. My husband loves cats, too. So, everybody in the world loves cats. 3. Don’t eat eggplant before an exam. I failed every time when I t ook an exam after eating the eggplant. 4. John told me that he decided to give up all his decisions. 5. When asked to make a self-introduction, the job-hunter said he must find a job for his old parents and young kids who are now starving.