【单选题】阅读下面的文字。 “千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换日符。”贴春联是中国人过年时的一项传统民俗活动。人们通常在除夕这天,将写好的春联贴于门上。春联的字数可多可少,但上下联必须构成对仗,如四言联“春安夏泰,秋稔( r ě n )冬祥”,六言联“冬尽梅花点点,□□□□□□”。春联寓意吉祥,言简意赅( g ā i ),深受人们喜爱。春联是仅在春节这一特定时节张贴的对联,而对联还有其他种类,如婚联、寿联、挽联,...
【单选题】阅读下面的文字,完成题目。 “千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换日符。”贴春联是中国人过年时的一项传统民俗活动。人们通常在除夕这天,将写好的春联贴于门上。春联的字数可多可少,但上下联必须构成对仗,如四言联“春安夏泰,秋稔(rěn)冬祥”,六言联“冬尽梅花点点,□□□□□□”。春联寓意吉祥,言简意赅(gāi),深受人们喜爱。春联是仅在春节这一特定时节张贴的对联,而对联还有其他种类,如婚联、寿联、挽联,以及为...
【单选题】What can be inferred about the values of both husband and wife
They share the same values
The husband values family and simple comforts of home, whereas his wife views these comforts as cause for her anguish
The husband has ceased to enjoy the simple things and only strives to quench his wife’s insatiable desire for luxury
The husband believes that a wholesome meal can solve all problems, while his wife believes it is the presentation of the meal that counts
【简答题】can you find positive integer values for 草莓、香蕉和菠萝?
【简答题】The values of a corporate culture can only influence the top managers' behaviors.()
【简答题】Americans believe that they can realize their personal values only ________. A) when given equality of opportunity B) through doing business C) by protecting their individual D) by way of comp...
【简答题】By what way do Americans believe that they can realize their personal values?
【单选题】阅读下面的文字。 “千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换日符。”贴春联是中国人过年时的一项传统民俗活动。人们通常在除夕这天,将写好的春联贴于门上。春联的字数可多可少,但上下联必须构成对仗,如四言联“春安夏泰,秋稔( r ě n )冬祥”,六言联“冬尽梅花点点,□□□□□□”。春联寓意吉祥,言简意赅( g ā i ),深受人们喜爱。春联是仅在春节这一特定时节张贴的对联,而对联还有其他种类,如婚联、寿联、挽联,...
【单选题】阅读下面的文字,完成题目。 “千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换日符。”贴春联是中国人过年时的一项传统民俗活动。人们通常在除夕这天,将写好的春联贴于门上。春联的字数可多可少,但上下联必须构成对仗,如四言联“春安夏泰,秋稔( r ě n )冬祥”,六言联“冬尽梅花点点,□□□□□□”。春联寓意吉祥,言简意赅( g ā i ),深受人们喜爱。 春联是仅在春节这一特定时节张贴的对联,而对联还有其他种类,如婚联、...
【简答题】It can be interred from the passage that the author values good literature primarily for its ability to ______.