【简答题】蒲松龄(10-1715),字留仙,又字剑臣,别号柳泉居士,世称聊斋先生。19岁应童子试而以县府道三个第一名震一时,但此后屡试不第,71岁援例补贡生。一生热衷科举而难如意,然其以闲中空谈解闷而作的()却在身后成千古佳作。 A拍案惊奇 B聊斋志异 C世说新语 D狐鬼故事
【简答题】Using the information about developmental sequences for questions in the stages described on pages 49–52 in the textbook and identify the stage of second language question for development that best co...
【简答题】蒲松龄,字 ,一字 ,别号 ,世称 ,自称 ,现山东省人,汉族。
【简答题】《促织》作者是清代文学家蒲松龄,字____ ,别号____。
【简答题】蒲松龄( 10-1715 ),字( ),一字( ),别号( )。淄川(今属山东淄博)人。
【单选题】Many people want to know how to analyze problems they meet. There are six stages in analyzing a problem. First the person must recognize that there is a problem. For example, Sams bicycle is broken, a...
recognize and define the problem
look for information to make the problem clearer
have suggestions for a possible solution
find a solution by trial or mistake