【判断题】进行梯度稀释时,吸取 1ml 原菌液,加入 10ml 灭菌水中,充分混匀后再从中吸取 1m l ,加入 10ml 灭菌水中,以此类推,制成 10 -1 , 10 -2 , 10 -3 等稀释梯度。
【简答题】给定平面内的直线度公差带的形状是_________。给定任意方向的直线度公差带的形状是_________ 。
【单选题】“ 给我一打健康的婴儿和一个我自己可以给予特殊培养的环境,······而不管他的天赋、爱好、能力、倾向性以及他的祖宗的种族和职业。 ” 是()提出的
【单选题】“给我一打健康的婴儿和一个我自己可以给予特殊培养的世界。我保证在他们中间任意选择一个,训练成我想要培养的任何一种专家:医生、律师、艺术家、大商人,甚至是乞丐、小偷,而不管他的天赋、爱好、能力、倾向性以及的种族和职业。”上述观点是( )
【单选题】What do you think is the main topic of this passage?
Microsoft and the government keep their arguments going on to the next century.
Microsoft should enjoy the right to rebut under federal copyright law.
The government argues that Microsoft has made is more difficult for other computer makers to compete with it.
Microsoft filed a brief rebutting Jackson's contention that the company has a monopoly in PC operating system.