【单选题】根据印花税法律制度的规定,下列属于印花税纳税人的是( )
【多选题】霍华德的田园城市的提出标志了现代城市规划出现了较为完整的理论体系,下列哪些属于田园城市思想的内容?( )
【单选题】因年久失修,王老伯一家想在早年拆除的96平方米的土地上建房,遭到该县房管部门拒绝,于是他向上级机关申请行政复议。经市房管部门调查,认为王老伯家属于原拆原建,不属于新建,无需重新上报审批。 在这纠纷的解决过程中,存在着下列哪些形式的监督?() ①新闻舆论和社会公众的监督 ②群众通过法定渠道的监督 ③司法机关的监督 ④政府系统内部的监督
【简答题】甲公司开发建设一个普通住宅小区,并向社会公开预售。2009年3月1日,王某与甲公司签订了商品房预售合同(王某为首次购房)。房屋竣工后,经房地产测绘机构测算,该房屋套内建筑面积为70m2,阳台面积为6m2,套内墙体建筑面积9m2,分摊共有建筑面积13m2。(2009年试题) 根据以上材料回答 108~110 题: 第 108 题 下列关于王某签订商品房预售合同的表述中,正确的为( )。
【单选题】Government deregulation of the long-distance telephone business has resulted in increased competition among telephone carriers, thus resulting in lower prices for consumers. This process, however, wil...
Technological advances have decreased the cost of providing long-distance telephone service to less than one-half of its cost prior to deregulation.
In a customer survey regarding the electric utility business, another industry that recently went through deregulation, surveyors found that customer dissatisfaction with service was 30 percent higher than prior to deregulation.
Customers have listed poor customer service as their number one reason for switching from one long-distance telephone service provider to another.
Some companies have decreased the cost of customer service by installing automated telephone response systems that eliminate the need for expensive live employees.
The greatest competition for long-distance telephone service providers will come not from traditional telephone companies, but from cellular telephone service providers.