在视频《录课-Unit8-Text A.wmv》37:00 讲述的长句 What's more, there are regional phrases too; an expert can sometimes pick out a native of Wisconsin just by the way a person uses his or her eyebrows during conversations. 断句、理解最为恰当的是
What's more, there are regional phrases too; an expert can sometimes pick / out a native / of Wisconsin just / by the way a person uses his / or her eyebrows / during conversations. 除此之外,也有地域性的短语;一个专家有时可以捡起,出来一个土生土长的Wisconsin只通过一个方式一个人用他或她的眉毛在说话的时候。
What's more, there are regional phrases too; an expert can / sometimes pick out a native of Wisconsin just / by the way / a person uses his or her eyebrows / during conversations. 除此之外,地域之间也有不同的词语。一个专家能有时辨认出一个的本地人,只通过方式,一个人用他或他的眉毛,在谈话的时候。
What's more, there are regional phrases too; an expert / can sometimes pick out a native of Wisconsin / just by the way / a person uses his or her eyebrows / during conversations. 除此之外,地域之间的用词用语(肢体语言)也有不同。一个专家有时可以通过一个人在说话时使用眉毛的方式,辨别出这是一个土生土长于的人。